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Blog Tag is a game I've just been introduced to today! Another blog I read from time to time introduced me to the concept of "literary lucky-dipping." It's similar to "a different kind of quiz" - a game we played a while back at a message board I frequent, which some of you will recognize below:

1. Grab the book closest to me.
The closest book to me at the moment is The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the secret of joyful giving by Randy Alcorn.

2. Quickly turn to page 123,
Problem: this book finishes at 120 pages. So I grab the next closest book - The Maker's Diet by Jordan S. Rubin.

3. Find the fourth sentence from the top of the page, and --

4. Post the next three sentences:

While I do not consider myself a miracle worker, I do have great confidence in my Teacher, affectionately called "the Great Physician," who heals all our diseases (Ps. 103:3). Nothing matches His wisdom concerning His creation, including the ideal human diet and natural treatments for our most common ailments. Before you examine the 'nuts and bolts' of the Maker's Diet, I wanted you to consider its effect on these people who were desperate for any glimmer of hope in their health situation--including my own grandmother, who prayed for just a few more months of life!

I still haven't finished this book; instead I've been leafing back and forth through the pages, reading about nutrition history, checking out the recipes, pondering his theories, and eyeing his 40-day health plan, all in a delightfully random approach that I like to take with some things in life. I'll track down the remaining unread pages sooner or later and finish it up. ...Now, if you were to ask my husband, he'd tell you that I can be a little impatient. True, I couldn't read the rest of the book before skipping ahead to the recipes. Oh well...

5) Tag an indefinite number of people to do the same (so, it could be '0').
Judy, Tina, ellie, photogal938, cheriet, twiga92, kalipay, Jeffrey74, Julie, and anyone else who wants to join in! =)


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